Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Christmas In July 2023-Part 26

Only five months until Boxing Day! Hope you're almost ready! In the meantime, here are ten more tracks to add to the complete collection.

1. The Four Lads-Things We Did Last Summer
2. Beaumont Family-Sledd Ride
3. Harry Koenig-White Christmas
4. Six Fat Dutchmen Under The Direction Of H. Loeffelmacher-Winter Snow Waltz
5. Original Salty Dogs Jazz Band-Santa Claus Blues
6. Marais And Miranda With The Pardo Ancient Instrument Ensemble-The Sheep Under The Snow (Celtic)
7. Sidnee Curtis, Soprano-Women's Chorus-Berkeley Chamber Singers-Alden Gilchrist, Organ And Conductor-Christmas Carol
8. Bobby Lester & The Moonglows-Hey Santa Claus-Live
9. The University Of Texas Longhorn Band-Glenn A. Richter, Director-My Favorite Things
10. The Ringing Belles-Rachael Kuivinen, Director-Silent Night

That should hold you until tomorrow.



  1. Dude! It looks like momentum is gathering. Unlike past years, I've managed to keep up with you by playing your shares almost every day. That option is in peril, what with ten tracks from you two days in a row. Thanks for today's playlist, and thanks for all your hard work, Ernie.

    1. Come on, ten tracks isn't even a full album, you can do it! But thanks for trying. :)

  2. "The Things We Did Last Summer"? Next you'll be claiming that "Autumn Leaves" is a Christmas song.

    1. Well, it's from a movie with Christmas in the title, that's my only excuse... And I've thought about Autumn Leaves many a time, but haven't succumbed yet. I did a couple seasons where anything with the word Doll or Candy in the title counted, so it could be a lot worse. :)

    2. In your defense, "The Things We Did Last Summer" does appear on Dean Martin's two Christmas for Capitol and Reprise, plus it appears on the Dean Martin TV Show LP, making it a prime candidate for this series.

  3. Another Winner with the second Bobby Lester and the Moonglows cut! It's got the feel of a full band without any instruments playing! You can tell that the group and the audence are having a great time here.


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