Monday, July 24, 2023

Christmas In July 2023-Part 24

Rainy days and Mondays always get me down. Not that it's raining, but that popped into my head for a Monday. Anyhow, a huge nine tracks for you today because I can see the end of the month from here and I think I can afford to splurge a little. I need to do a better count, but I think we're gonna have a good little run here through the end. Wish I could have been more generous the rest of the month, but there just aren't that many tracks in the pile this year. Maybe 2024, we'll see. So what's actually in the share today?

1. Czech Film Symphony Orchestra Conducted By Vaclav Neumann-January (At The Hearth)
2. The Ringing Belles-Rachael Kuivinen, Director-Joy To The World
3. Hap Palmer-What A World We'd Have If Christmas Lasted All Year Long-Vocal
4. Roberta Sherwood With The Malcolm Dodds Singers And Orchestra-Go Tell It On The Mountain
5. Father Dave-Ave Maria
6. The Shawnee Choir-Earl Willhoite, Director-Richard Lindroth, Accompanist-In Bethlehem
7. Red Garter-Sleigh Ride
8. Monk Oaner-Sometimes In Winter
9. Jo Wilder, Gino Conforti, Joe Ross And Company-Twelve Days To Christmas

Interesting stuff, for sure. Only a few repeats from previous years, and all pretty good stuff. Here's a link, have a good one. Don't let this Monday get you down.



  1. I wonder how many "if only everyday were like Christmas" songs are in existence. Must be dozens.

    1. It's right up there with All I Want For Christmas Is You. :)

  2. You're more than generous. Never doubt that. The time to rip, upload, post is substantial. It's appreciated. Always.

  3. Excellent version of "Go Tell It On the Mountain." The two samples you have posted from this album are excellent, probably some of the best Sherwood recordings I have ever heard in quite a while. Will be looking forward to adding a copy of this album to add to my collection for sure.

    1. Glad you enjoyed it. Don't think this is the most common LP of hers out there, but maybe worth the search.


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