Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Christmas In July 2023-Part 25

Big day today, it's now five months until Christmas Day! It may seem like a long time, but it will be here before you know it. Maybe if you start shopping now, you can find something nice to buy for me. A good place to start is my DISCOGS wishlist. Lots of great records in there that you may already have in your collection, all you have to do it send them to me. They'll look great in the background of my next Hoarders episode. :) Anyhow, I've got a whopping ten tracks for you today, what can I say, I was feeling generous. Gotta be something in there that you'll enjoy.

1. Sammy Kaye With The New Kayedets-I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing
2. Marlene VerPlanck-Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
3. Robert Frost-Stopping By Woods On A Snowy Evening
4. Hap Palmer With The Young Peoples Chorus-We Wish You A Merry Christmas-Vocal
5. Les Troubadours Du Roi Baudouin-Joachim Ngoi-Siku Kuu (Holy Night)
6. The Vanguard Singers-Take Time
7. Marais And Miranda With The Pardo Ancient Instrument Ensemble-The Rumble Drum (Flemish)
8. Iroquois Junior Public School Primary & Senior Choirs, Choir Director-Shirley Munroe-While Shepherds Watched
9. The Ringing Belles-Rachael Kuivinen, Director-Let There Be Peace On Earth
10. Jenson Publications-O, Christmas Tree-Excerpt

See anything you like? I hope so. Come back tomorrow for more!



  1. You're not a record hoarder because you have most of it stashed away in a storage place. (I think.) And I'm not a record hoarder because it's all organized. (Most of it, anyway.)

    1. Well, the Christmas stuff I try to keep close at hand, but yeah, the other stuff is in a very large storage facility that costs me a fortune to rent each month. Something is going to have to give at some point...

  2. I don't know if "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" qualifies as a Christmas song. However, this version is a really good one, coming from the Dave Mullaney-arranged era of the Sammy Kaye band. It kind of has the feel of a Lawrence Welk Show production number. A tad slower than the original from the New Seekers, yet just as good.

    1. Well, I remember seeing that old Coke commercial (you know, the one Don Draper wrote...) as a kid at Christmas time, so I always think of it as a Christmas song. And I don't think I'd seen that late Sammy Kaye record before, so I had a good excuse to buy it. :)


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