Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Little Black Squirrel

I don't know why I find black squirrels to be so fascinating. I guess it's because the ones we have in Florida are all grey, although I think they have red ones further up the peninsula. I shot this guy in DC, same as this other one I showed you, and I've tried to take their picture when I've seen them in Ohio, but never gotten a good shot. Isn't he cute? I just want to throw acorns at him. According to Wikipedia, black squirrels were introduced to DC at the very beginning of the 20th century.  Who knows if that's true or not, but it's an interesting story.  If you spot a black squirrel in an odd place, you can add it to the map here.


  1. We have white squirrels in my hometown. They are not albino - just a snowy white squirrel. :) Just google "white squirrels brevard" to learn more.

  2. Interesting. Ours are all grey or white. The white aren't very common, but they pop up regularly. Just ask our rapidly depleted seeds and peanuts. (Who, being no more, are unable to answer....)

  3. Actually, I meant, "All of ours are either....," but it works out right, anyway.

    (Word verif. is "coutinnu." Spooky.)

  4. I don't know about where you live, Lee, but around here, we could do with a lot fewer nuts.

  5. My state is now being helmed by one, so I'm forced to agree.

    ("plowedom"? The realm of plows? That could be us this winter....)

  6. We do have red ones IV. Big suckers. Though they are rare. I still see them sometimes at Lakeland Linder and a golf course once. The really cool ones however, like to surf!

  7. I'm from Iowa, and our dominant species of squirrel are Reds. I've seen Greys only in Iowa City and I've only seen Black squirrels in Davenport. That was also where I saw a Red/Black cross, it was mostly red with black patches. Lots of squirrels in Oakdale Cemetary in Davenport-saw them while visiting Bix Beiderbecke's grave. I saw eagles flying overhead there as well.


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