Sunday, July 05, 2020

Nutcracker In July 05

Time again to crack some nuts!  Today's version so Tchaikovsky's best is by Herbert Von Karajan Conducting The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, and his LP Nutcracker Suite (Casse Noisette) Op.71a/Music From Peer Gynt (London FFRR CS 6420, Stereo, 1964).  I hope you enjoy yet another version of this classic.  This one again breaks the whole thing up into its eight individual pieces. Somewhere I think I have some versions with more than eight pieces, but those include some things from the ballet instead of the just the orchestral suite. Those parts are a lot less well known, I certainly don't recognize them. But none of those today, just the usual bits.


  1. There is a Suite No. 2, which I posted many years ago, but I speculated at the time that it was concocted by the conductor, Arthur Fiedler. Tchaikovsky did only the one suite, to my knowledge.


  2. I have a version of the Nutcracker on CD, performed by the London Symphony Orchestra. There are 17 tracks to it. Are some of these tracks usually combined into some fewer groups so that there are "usually" only 8 parts?

  3. Yeah, I think Suite Two was created later on from other leftovers from the ballet. And to my knowledge, the original suite is just the eight tracks. But I am certainly not the expert. The ballet has tracks like Coffee, Tea and Chocolate.


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