Wednesday, September 01, 2010

The Missing Shares

Hmmm, yesterday I had 629 shares hosted at RapidShare, and today, after uploading Christmas In July 2010-Day 30, I see that I only have 391 shares hosted.  If those are really all gone, I'm going to be pretty ticked off.  I'm hoping it's just a transient thing, perhaps a server down or something.  Heaven knows how I'll figure out what's there and what's gone...  If anybody notices something that's missing, gimme a buzz.


  1. Hi Ernie - RapidShare is blocking Day 25, stating that the material may be a copyright violation and then redirecting to Wonder if that has anything to do with your missing shares.

  2. Hmmmm, that's odd. Couple of big names in that download, so it's entirely possible they got a complaint about that one. I think the reason the other shares disappeared was a new box I didn't check that said something about deleting files that hadn't been downloaded in more than 60 days. I've got an email in to RapidShare about it, but I'm not holding my breath.


All comments are greatly appreciated, but replies aren't guaranteed...