Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy Anniversary To Me

Today marks the sixth anniversary of my blog.  Since this day back in 2005, I've been bringing you all sorts of stuff from old  records to photos of neat things and places to more Christmas music than you can shake a stick at.  I don't think a sixth anniversary is all that auspicious, so I'm not going to write up some big huge retrospective or make a series of lists commemorating my 10 favorite posts or ten favorite pictures or any such nonsense.  Just a quick note to pat myself on the back, and to say thank you to all of you for visiting.  Here's to six more years!


  1. Thank you for the great blog Ernie. Happy Anniversary!

  2. Thanks for all the awesome posts, Ernie! Happy Anniversary!

  3. You never fail to cheer my day with your posts, whether music or pictures. Best regards to you on your anniversary! And thanks for helping me when I was a fledgling blogger three years ago.

  4. Thanks Ernie! Love your pictures but I especially love your Christmas music. Keep up the great work!

  5. Thanks for all the great posts over the years Ernie!

  6. Happy blogiversary! You have great pix and great tunes. Grazie!

  7. I missed this the other day, but wanted to add to the chorus of well-wishers. The internet would be a much emptier place without you.


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