Sunday, January 20, 2008

Ernie And The iPod

I finally decided to join the 21st century and get myself an iPod. I figured that if I'm going to listen to 50 year old vinyl records, I may as well listen to them on something modern. I've been looking for an iPod for a few months now, and have been checking out the pawn shops on a regular basis. I figured if I waited long enough, I'd find a bargain. Sure enough, I managed to find a 30G video model for about $150 this weekend, so I snagged it. Came complete with over 3000 songs from the previous owner, 2 or 3 of which were actually worth listening to. There was even a copy of Jay And Silent Bob Strike Back on there. I lost all that in the reformat though. But before I could reformat it, I had to get it home. And before I could get it home I had a couple of errands to finish. But I didn't want to wait, so I was playing with it in the car on the way to Wal-Mart after leaving the pawn shop. I had the earbuds in, driving down the road, and guess what? Yep, I got pulled over. And do you know what's illegal in the state of Florida? Driving with headphones on or in both ears. So my cheap iPod is now not nearly so cheap, since I have to pay a $76 fine in addition to the price of the used iPod. Some deal. I suppose that's better than having to pay the ticket for the real reason I got pulled over, which was for doing 71 in a 55. Not that I realized how fast I was going, I was paying too much attention to the iPod. Live and learn, I guess...


  1. That bites! But I'm sure you learned your lesson....

  2. I just can't relate to iPods. They don't look like music holders. That, plus "iPod" makes me think of "2001: A Space Odyssey."

    ("Open the iPod door, HAL." "I'm sorry, Dave--I can't do that.")

    Result: a total mental disconnect. The kind I've been having more of since hitting the big Five-Oh.

    Seriously, congrats on catching up to iPods. I may follow your lead at some point, but I don't know--CDs still seem new to me. I didn't convert to the things until 2000. iPods are like CDs without the CDs.

    Maybe in 3000.

    Say goodnight, Lee. "Goodnight, Lee."

  3. I just now got my first MP3 Player so I have a year or two to go yet on getting an iPod.

  4. Three times in the past four years I've tried to install the Apple software to my aging computer.

    Three times it's frozen and stalled my computer so badly, I uninstall it and live in the dark ages (aka the Sony Walkman!).

    Good luck and happy iDownloading!


  5. like you said to us in 1999 kicking and screaming into the 21st century


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