Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Now You See It...

Take a good close look at the sunset above. See the little bit at the bottom that looks like a reflection of the part above? Well, this is a mirage that is created when a layer of air at a different temperature is trapped at the surface. Sometimes, the net result of this mirage, at the instant the sun dips below the horizon, is a green flash. Yes, it really does exist. I didn't get one Saturday night when I took this picture, but I keep hoping. It helps to be a small distance above the water, and I was right at sea level, so that may be why I missed it. Next time I see this, I'm heading for the nearest seawall.


  1. H U Z Z A H ! ! ! !

    NEW PICS!!
    You SO know how to make a girl happy!

  2. If that's all it takes to make a girl happy, I've been barking up the wrong tree for years now...


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