Friday, January 17, 2025

This Is The End, My Friend

There doesn't seem to be any consensus on who coined the phrase "All Good Things Must Come To An End." I thought it was Shakespeare, but he didn't. Chaucer wrote something fairly close, but not in so many words. I remember when ST:TNG reached is finale, the last episode was titled All Good Things, so it's a well-worn phrase even if there's no strict origin of it. But so it is with the 2024 Christmas sharity season. I've drawn it out much longer than necessary but I think it's been good stuff. Today is the exception that proves the rule as there is nothing in today's share that you really need, but the completists out there will appreciate it. This is everything that was left in the pile, and it's mostly mono versions of things I already gave to you in stereo. There are a few edits here and again you got the longer version already. There's one track here that's just a backwards version of the flip side and one short spoken word introduction to another track that I couldn't fit in elsewhere. I even squeezed in a Christmas greeting that's just instructions on how to use another Christmas greetings. So it's all just to finish off the collection with all the stuff that I didn't share elsewhere. I've had a great season and I hope you have too. So many singles, I don't think I'll ever be able to top this season. Well, maybe in twenty years when I've collected up enough new singles to do it all again. Here's hoping. Thanks for playing along, I hope you found something to listen to. I'll see you again in July, I hope. That pile is still thin, but these records have a way of finding me sometimes, so I'm optimistic. Merry Christmas to you and yours!

1. Coldcut-Coldcut's Christmas Break (Radio Version)
2. Loretta Lynn-Shadrack, The Black Reindeer (Mono)
3. Marvin I. Thompson-On Going Home For Christmas (Mono)-Music Background "I'll Be Home For Christmas"
4. The Three Stooges And Orchestra-Wreck The Halls With Boughs Of Holly
5. White Elephant-Auld Lang Syne-Short Version
6. Charo-Arranged And Conducted By John Davis-(Mamacita,) ¿Donde Esta Santa Claus?-Mono
7. Daniel Sentacruz Ensemble-Christmas Carol-Mono
8. Bill Hersh-It Won't Be Much Like Christmas ('Cause Mama Won't Be There')-Mono
9. Creeper-Santa Claus Wants Some Loving-Mono
10. Homemade Theatre-Santa Jaws (Part 1)-(Mono)
11. Cody Bearpaw-Winter Love (Mono)
12. Redwood City-Winter's Night (Mono)
13. Adam Perle & Wesley Crow-A Silent Night-Mono
14. Billy Crystal-The Christmas Song
15. Bob Luman-A Christmas Tribute-Mono
16. Bunny Siglar-Jingle Bells (Part I)-Mono
17. David Buskin-Arranged & Conducted By Glenn Spreen-The Rest Of The Year (Mono)
18. David Gates-Come Home For Christmas-Mono
19. David Woeller-Hotel Christmas (Mono)
20. Dawn Van De Pitte-Christmas Isn't Christmas-Mono
21. Deanna-Darlene-Rag Doll (For Christmas)-Mono
22. Dee Mullins-Remember Bethlehem-Mono
23. Duane Dee-Cold January Morning-Mono
24. Elvin Bishop-Silent Night (Vocal Version)-Mono
25. Emmylou Harris-Light Of The Stable-Mono
26. Father Guido Sarducci-I Won't Be Twisting This Christmas-Mono
27. Greg Lake-I Believe In Father Christmas-Mono
28. Hank Snow-Nestor, The Long Eared Christmas Donkey-Mono
29. Hoyt Axton-Lion In The Winter-Mono
30. Joe Sun-Silent Night (Mono)
31. John Edwards-The Christmas Song (Mono)
32. John Schneider-Katey's Christmas Card-Mono
33. Kit Smith-Music By The "Buckaroos"-Christmas At Our House (Mono)
34. Loretta Lynn-Let's Put Christ Back In Christmas (Mono)
35. Martin Mull With The Sondra Baskin Glee Club-Santafly-Mono
36. Mona Murry-Gonna Kidnap Santa Tonight-Mono
37. Perry Como-Christmas Dream-Mono
38. PFC Eddie Fisher-Radio Interview
39. Ray Reeves-A Little Boy's Christmas Prayer-Mono
40. Roberta Flack-25th Of Last December-Short Version
41. Rudolph & The Gang-Comink Zee Clauski Fattnik
42. Second Nature-Christmas (The Best Time Of The Year)-Mono
43. Sweathog-Hallelujah-Mono
44. The Frogs-Alfie, The Christmas Tree-Mono Version
45. The Good Luck Girls-The Bengals Christmas Song-Mono
46. The Impressions-I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus (Mono)
47. The Poor Souls-Merry Christmas All-Mono
48. The Three Stooges And Orchestra-Jingle Bells
49. The Three Stooges And The Music Wreckers-I Gotta Cold For Christmas
50. Ray Conniff-Holiday Greetings 3



  1. Dear Ernie, I'm so thankful of your shares. Thank you for so much new songs to me. Please go on with your fine work here.
    Best regards from Germany

    1. Thanks for visiting from all that way. Hope you found some things that were worth the trip.

    2. Vic in the far north in BCTuesday, February 18, 2025 2:53:00 PM

      Ernie, many thanks for many years of sharing all those wonderful Christmas gems.

    3. My pleasure. Gives me something to do when I get bored. :)

  2. Hi Ernie,
    Well, again thank you for some wonderful shares this 2024-2025 season. While I only finished up to and including share 30, I have all additional shares to listen to in the future.
    You brought back many memories to me. Good: my parents, being in the Choir, my first boyfriend, friends, and other situations. Bad: a few unpleasant memories, which of course is my bagage to carry.
    I personlly mostly only listen to Christmas music on the public transportation systems or out and about. Rarely elsewhere.
    So, with so much great music you offered this season, it was a bit overwhelming for me to listen too. But, eventually I will get around to listening to it...
    Again that you for everything this season.

    1. Take your time, you don't have to listen all at once. But don't listen to the stuff that makes you feel bad!

  3. Ernie,

    I have no idea how you do all this. My working theories are:

    1) When Santa's elves aren't busy, they moonlight down in "ErnienotBertland" helping you.
    2) You've somehow persuaded one of the large AI Bots to go "rogue" and spend its time searching for old Christmas music.
    3) You've set up a system of pneumatic tubes between your place and the record sections of all the thrift stores, and somehow vinyl fits into these tubes without breaking.

    Whatever the method, it's incredible what you do, and now that we're all busy catching up, you've earned some well deserved time off. Thanks for all the work, and Merry Christmas.


    1. Hmmm, I like the idea of the pneumatic tubes...

  4. Another great year! This was a really spectacular accomplishment - you should be proud (and broke).

    I'm already looking forward to July!

    1. Buster, I'm also looking forward to July :)
      I always try out your two blogs also :)
      My wife and I finally gave ourselves Christmas gifts last night, January 17th. Our schedule has been so very crazy, with working weird hrs and 6 days per week, for a while now...

    2. July might be a little slim. Don't have much in the pile yet, and don't have a lot of money in the back. Oh, and no time to dig... :(

  5. Well you promised a great year and you delivered. Incredibly from Nov. 28 thru Jan. 17, every night you brought sustained holiday fun and cheer. It was a pleasure spending the season with you. Thank you and we'll meet again in July.

  6. Thank you so much for all the hard work you put into these shares - I really can't communicate my appreciation and just pure enjoyment of listening to these, hunting down the artwork, and just having something new (and old) to listen to as the days go along - I hope 2025 is good to you and yours my good fellow - well done Ernie - very well done

    1. Yeah, I made the decision to omit the picture sleeves because I wanted to concentrate on all the labels. Made 'em seem more like 45s. Sorry if that created more work for you.

    2. Don't be sorry, it adds to the enjoyment to be honest - please - you are doing the heavy lifting and the rest of us are just very very luck recipients of your labors - again, thank you kind sir, for all that you do

    3. Someday I might share the whole packages, with all the scans since I scanned everything as I did them. And I have them saved somewhere as individual singles. You never know what the future may hold.

  7. Man oh man, you deserve a vacation! Don't even try to top this one, it is just so special it belongs at the top. See you in July (if you're doing that one, don't blame you if you want a break). Best to you and the Mrs.

  8. Ernie, you do SO MUCH for all of us, sharing your finds and making them all sound SO MUCH BETTER than they would have otherwise. Thanks and more thanks to you.

    1. Well, I just clean 'em a bit. I'm sure there are better sounding copies out there somewhere, I just didn't have 'em. :)

  9. Once again you have outdone yourself, my friend. I will have fodder here for decades of compilations. And even then I'll still be surprised to find songs I hadn't heard.

  10. Thanks again for all you offered up to us this past season, Ernie. Now enjoy a well-earned rest!

  11. Thanks so much Ernie... for such a monumental effort. Enjoy the rest of year.

    1. Already started prepping for next year. It takes a while...

  12. Thank you very much for this huge amount of Xmas tracks the last weeks Ernie. Can't wait till july :-))

  13. Thanks so much, Ernie. I wish you a Merry non-Christmas. You've earned it, and then some.

  14. It's been an adventure! Thank you Ernie for this abundance of rare Christmas tunes. I'm so grateful for the time you take to collect and share with all of us.
    -Steve in PA

  15. Thank you for another great year!!! I appreciate your work.

  16. May YOUR days be merry and bright...... thank you!

    1. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. That's what makes it all worth while.

  17. Enjoy your break and planning for the 2025 Christmas season! As I commented earlier, you shared out so much stuff this season that I'll have to go back on occasion and catch up on the stuff you posted that I haven't listened to yet!

  18. Looking forward to listening to the Mono versions of Hallelujah and Christmas Dream. My copy is a gray label stock one with "Christ Is Born" on the other side. I was also surprised that you didn't include some non-seasonal songs that stretch the Christmas concept a bit, like "Holly" from Andy Williams.

    1. I tried to stay away from the releases that stretched the Christmas link too tightly. That Hallelujah track and Gingerbread were probably the worst offenders. Oh, and the Fresca tracks. And I don't think any of the mono version were anything different, just fold-downs.

  19. Thanks as always for the ginormous amount of holiday music shares, Ernie. You are the King of Christmas. --Andrew MacKenzie

    1. I dunno about being the king. Maybe a duke or an earl, something on that level. There are some bigger guys out there.

  20. Once again you've out done yourself. I can't thank you enough, both for the music, and for the fact that, this year, we don't have to look at that bug-eyed bugler for 6 months like last year ;-)

    1. I don't know if a bunch of boring mono labels are much better for the next few months...

  21. Again, Thank you, so much, Ernie.
    As I mentioned before, you would be doing a Grand Finale of Musical Fireworks :)
    You almost made it to Chinese New Years ;)
    Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! :)

    1. So many holidays this time of year, I had to call it at some point. I'm flat out of music at this point.

    2. I understand, looking forward to hearing from you, in July.. Ernie :)

  22. Thank you so much for all the wonderful Christmas music you share with us every year. I really enjoy adding them to my library and listening to them again. Best wishes in the New Year.

    1. Your library should be pretty full at the moment. :)

  23. Thanks so much for all the wonderful music!

  24. Thank you as always. The more times I see unfamiliar titles done by familiar and unfamiliar artists, the happier I am. Thank you for the past 20 years of shares. I think I've been here almost from the beginning, around 2007 or so I think.

    1. If I do it long enough, you forget that you've seen all this stuff before. What's old becomes new and different again. :)

  25. Ernie I'm so thankful for you. I'm beyond impressed and in awe of how much work you put into your posts and am so thrilled to listen to all of the new music you've posted. I had no idea, but I hadn't been back here since 2020 when I downloaded about half of what you'd posted for that season. Over the next few weeks I plan on going back through the last 4 years and downloading what's still available. I'm going to have a lot to listen to! I love so much of what you post and am especially thankful for all the artwork you post as well. Some of the images on the 45s are awesome! Thank you again a million times. You are so appreciated. Craftypants Carol (I couldn't log into my account for some reason)

    1. Welcome back! You've got a lot of catching up to do!

  26. Replies
    1. My pleasure! Hope you found a couple of goodies. :)


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