Saturday, November 11, 2006

Flying Rocks From Outer Space

Hooray, I'm back from LA! What a hectic two days. The best part of the trip turned out not to be the time I spent on the ground, but the time I spent in the air. It's a beautiful country from seven miles in the air. The most amazing thing I saw was totally unexpected. I was sure I would see mountains and valleys, rivers, streams and canyons, but I had not expected to see a meteor crater. But that's exactly what it was. That's the Barringer Meteor Crater, located just off I-40 near Flagstaff, Arizona. I spotted it just before the pilot came on the intercom to mention it. He mentioned the 50,000 year old crater, and noted that it had barely missed the neighboring I-40. Ha, that's funny stuff. Anyhow, it's not the best picture in the world, since I shot it through three levels of plastic in the airplane window. (Would it hurt them to clean those windows once in a while? Honestly...) Stay tuned for more shots from Air Ernie!

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